Woman wearing white hat and smiling


Hi, my name is Mindy and I’m obsessed with the Internet.

I have been communicating with others via the internet in some way or another since 1991, when my family got our first computer and I discovered the Prodigy message boards (does anyone else remember when your log-in name was assigned to you, like a license plate? Or am I just giving away my age now?).

In 1996 I taught myself basic HTML to trick out my Geocities website(s). After Geocities came Livejournal, then Friendster and Myspace, and now Facebook, Twitter, and blogging.

The best part about blogging and social media is connecting with like-minded people all over the world. You know what they say – it’s a small world after all!

I started blogging (for real) at This Fairy Tale Life in 2011 to document my Disneyland wedding planning and to also create a community and resource for other Disneyland Brides, something that I found to be seriously lacking within cyberspace. In just over a year, my Disneyland Brides Facebook group grew to nearly 100 members, proving that there was a niche community that needed to be served. Now This Fairy Tale life shares Disneyland wedding news, travel recaps and advice, recipes, wellness, and random tidbits about my life.

In 2015 I launched Fairy Tale Social, a Social Media Coaching business, to help content creators grow their businesses via the ever-changing and fast paced platforms of social media. I offer one-on-one consulting sessions in-person or via Skype, as well as hosting the occasional meet-up and free webinars. You can contact me at [email protected] for a private consultation, and/or sign up for my Social Media Marketing by Mindy email newsletter to learn about future offerings.

Personal stuff – I live in Los Angeles, CA with my husband Tim and destructive cats Vela and Conan. If I’m not at home working, I’m probably at Disneyland working. Aside from geeking out over social media, I love cupcakes, Hello Kitty, reality television, and rosé. I also love reading nice emails from nice people. Say hello!

Thank you so much for stopping by!