Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day


Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

Are you using Pinterest to its full potential? I can’t tell you enough how important Pinterest has been to growing my blog and my business. Pinterest accounts for about 40% of my blog traffic every month! And since it’s a visual platform, weddings is one of Pinterest’s most popular categories. A couple years ago, 70% of brides admitted to having a wedding Pinterest board – and I’m assuming the number has only grown from there (source)! In fact, in a recent poll of my bride community, the vast majority said they used Pinterest, not Instagram, to search for wedding vendors. So if you’ve been slacking with your Pinterest account, let this be a wake up call for you!

Growing your Pinterest following doesn’t have to be terribly time consuming. In fact, I spend about 10 minutes a day working on Pinterest (however – I do spend some extra time browsing and pinning, for fun).

Here’s a quick 10-minute per day strategy for Pinterest. The routine may take you a bit longer at first, but once you have it down you’ll fly through it!

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

1. Pin five things from your feed. (2 minutes)

This is an easy one! Just pull up and scroll through your feed and find five pins you love, and repin them to your boards.

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

2. Check your notifications. (5 minutes)

Click on the top right icon where you see the little red number bubble. These are your notifications, telling you when someone pinned your content. Find people who recently pinned your content and follow their boards. Also repin something from one of their boards. Do this up to five times, but don’t spend longer than five minutes on it.

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

Just click on the red “Follow” button to follow their board. Once clicked, the button will show “Unfollow” and this means you successfully followed them.

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

3. Look at related pins. (1 minute)

Use the notifications to find a pin that has been recently repinned. When looking at the pin, you can scroll down to see “related pins.” These are pins that Pinterest considers to be similar to your pin. Find a pin you love and repin it.

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

4. Leave one comment a day (2 minutes)

It’s great practice to leave a comment on at least one pin per day. It’s great if you can find a pin that already has a lot of repins, because this means it’s popular. Leave a genuine comment about the pin, meaning don’t just type “Nice pin!” or “Great!” and defintely don’t leave your website in the comment. The goal with leaving comments on other people’s pins is to try to get your profile seen by more eyeballs! And if you leave a spammy comment, the account owner will likely delete it.

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

5. As you do the above, look for a pin you can share on other social media accounts.

Need Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter content? Grab an image you love and share it on one of your other platforms. Don’t forget to make a note of the original source of the image so you can give them credit!

Grow Your Pinterest in 10 Minutes a Day

That’s how you grow your Pinterest following in 10 minutes a day! Of course you can spend more time on it, and get results even quicker. But if you only have 10 minutes to spare, this is a great strategy!

About the author

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