What makes a landing page irresistible to readers? That’s the subject we’re discussing on this episode of The Joy of Content! My guest is Karthik Vijayakumar, founder of Design Your Thinking and sales copy specialist. During this conversation, Karthik shares the three important aspects of a landing page, and explains all about the “Rule of One.” Lots of amazing gems on this one, so take notes!

Special Guest:
Karthik Vijayakumar, Design Your Thinking
Karthik Vijayakumar aka Kartvee is the Host of The Launch Plan Podcast, Founder of Design Your Thinking Labs, and the creator of Sales Copy Mastery. He helps creators and solopreneurs level up their online course and membership launches with killer sales copies.
Key Topics:
- What is a landing page and what are they used for?
- Three items to consider BEFORE you create your page
- Why “the promise” is so important
- Learning the Power of One
Mentioned in this Episode:
(The following links may contain affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you make a purchase)
- Design Your Thinking – Karthik’s website
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Mindy Marzec 0:02
Hello, thanks so much for choosing this episode of the joy of content podcast. This is Mindy ready to bring you another really educational interview this time all about landing pages and how we can make our landing pages totally irresistible. For anyone who is maybe not familiar with landing pages, typically a landing page is a sales page or any other important website page where we are presenting an offer and we are enticing the reader to take action. So for us, folks in the online marketing space, it could be a sales page, or it could also be a lead generation page where we are asking the reader to join our email list or it could be a survey page. Maybe we want to learn more about our audience. It could be a page where we list a service that we offer such as coaching, so a landing page can be many things but the goal is to convert the reader into either a customer we want to make a sale or sell a service or a member of our community, like joining our email list. And you know if you listen to the podcast or follow me on social I’m always preaching about how social media should be the top of our marketing funnel, right social media is not the end game. It’s the beginning. We want to funnel our social media followers or the people who find us on social media, to our website or to our email list, which are platforms that we control. So landing pages are very important in social media marketing and blogging, and basically for anyone who is an online entrepreneur. So that leads me to today’s guest, Karthik Vijayakumar, or on his website, he says you can just call him Karthik V. But Karthik is a specialist with sales copy and sales pages. And I really love his simplistic advice on how to make sales pages and landing pages, get more conversions, which is why I asked him to come be a guest on the podcast. So this interview went a little longer than my usual interviews because there’s just a lot of good stuff here. A lot of good info and sales pages are important, right? So I will keep this introduction short. And let’s jump right into this interview with Karthik. From design your thinking and host of the launch plan podcast. Hey there Karthik. Welcome to the joy of content podcast.
Karthik V 2:50
Thank you, Mindy. Just been looking forward to this conversation. Thanks for having me.
Mindy Marzec 2:56
Yeah, me too. I think this is going to be a good one. We’re going to talk all about landing pages, which is a topic that I am not too familiar with. I definitely have some but they could certainly be improved. I think there’s always room for improvement. But before we jump into that, please introduce yourself. Tell. Tell everyone about your business. How you got started. Tell us everything about you.
Karthik V 3:19
Sure. Well, I run this business called this blog called Design your thinking.com. And we started as a blog in 2016 when I took a career break from doing working in the startup space. So I was in the tech and startup space cyberspace. After 15 years, I was just I had took a break and since then, I’ve been selling online courses and writing copies. So today I focus primarily on on my podcast, the launch my podcast, which I host here and the second thing is I work with clients as a copywriter and also sell online courses. Now today, it’s primarily around copywriting but then I used to do a lot more courses around podcasting and things like that do so yeah, that I guess that’s what I do.
Mindy Marzec 4:11
Very cool. So you kind of took a break and found something you loved and never looked back.
Karthik V 4:16
yeah. Fingers Crossed. I’d love it. Yeah.
Mindy Marzec 4:20
No, I love that. I feel like the people who are drawn to this podcast are kind of doing the same thing either. They’re working a nine to five and they want to get out and start their own online, career online business. And so that’s very inspiring. And you are located in India, correct? That’s right. Yeah, I think you’re my first guest from India. I’ve had a couple of guests from Europe. But I think you have the honor of being my first guest is located in Asia and scheduling. This was a little tricky, but we did it.
Karthik V 4:54
The pleasure of working with you on the schedule. Thanks for accommodating me.
Mindy Marzec 4:58
Yeah, well, thanks for accommodating me too. For those listening. It’s very early where I am and it’s very work are they? Yes, but we’re making this work. Okay, so let’s get into it. We’re going to talk about landing pages and I talked a little bit about what a landing page is in the introduction, but can you in your in your words, what is the definition? What is the definition of a landing page and what would it primarily be used for for someone like me who has a blog or has an online business? And generally I’m using social media to get my name out there and get them over to either my email list or my website or my website. So landing pages really, really important. So can you kind of describe what a landing page is?
Karthik V 5:47
Sure. I think the word the term landing page is something that’s used to describe a lot of things on the internet. Sure, a lot of pages on the internet, practically every single page that you see on the internet can be called a landing page, essentially. So it’s a page that you land after clicking a link. So it’s funny that we use the word land without flying. But I think the whole idea of a landing page and get you know has has taken its habit on history, but I think the way it seemed today, Mindy is you have just one broad thing called the landing page. And broadly speaking there you know, the the most common landing pages that we get to see and interact every single day is a website or website homepage. You know, Google’s homepage, which is just a search box is a landing page in itself. Your website is a landing page. your about page on your website is a landing page in itself. A website’s if I have to put it that way. A website is a collection of landing pages that’s really that’s really related to one person or one entity or one company, whatever it is. Just similar to how Wikipedia does a problem. It’s all integrated. The Internet is a big giant cluster of landing pages. But if you look at it, landing pages are primarily used to in the context of getting people in. So we talk about landing pages in the context of say, how do you get people to look at a content or how do you get people to get into your funnel or how do you get people to look at your products? How do you get people to buy your products? So from that perspective, when you start looking at it, you start to look at a few pages there, which is like, largely speaking, you’re talking about Legion pages, about pages on your website, product pages, and of course, sales pages. So yeah, we we could keep going on and on about what landing pages, but I think this is all it is. So anything that you learned is a landing page. But I think from the from the context of your you know, your kind of business where you are blog for social media first. A landing page is the first kind of landing page that probably comes to your mind is a legion page.
Mindy Marzec 8:21
A lead and when you say lead gen that is lead generation. That’s right. And what is the goal of lead generation just for people who might be brand new and have never heard that term before?
Karthik V 8:32
So let’s let’s then stop using this lingo. Let’s look at a place that people who are pretty aware of a marketplace so I’m sure if you’re listening, you are going to market every weekend or every other weekend depending on who you are where you are. But if you go to market Have you ever seen people all all sellers, they’re flocking around one area. Have you seen sellers staying away from that flock that entire crowd? Most likely you will find all these people around the same area. Right? And the reason is simply because everybody wants to show off what they have sell what they have. More importantly, the sellers are there to make sales and people go there to buy sure now what we call it this is a perfect match match made in heaven where you have people coming looking for your stuff and lo and behold use that there. Now this is a very ideal scenario but then sometimes what’s Internet is a giant marketplace if you know if you want to look at it that way. So the goal of every content creator, every product creator, every every marketer, or every entrepreneur is to get a small piece of the pie so to speak, to either pay attention to the content that they create, ultimately, end of the day, they want to make money from what they create. Now, what do you do is you want to go to a marketplace but well, on the internet, you have your own website. The whole idea here is to get more people just like that marketplace, the real marketplace that you go on weekends, to get those kinds of people to come and start looking at your stuff. And on the internet as opposed to a marketplace or a real market. It’s going to be challenging to get some you know seeing people come by every single weekend like we go chances are that someone is going to come today and never again. So in such scenarios, how can you do something where you get ahold of, say their phone number or their email address in this case, some way to connect with them such that even tomorrow, next weekend, or a month later, you are able to get in touch with them and show them what you have, of course, assuming that they are the right people for your business. So I don’t know if that was a simpler analogy. I tend to think of, you know, landing pages, especially lead gen pages, more from a marketplace perspective. So So yeah, no,
Mindy Marzec 11:13
that was great. I actually really liked the analogy of going to the market and the internet so different so like for me for example, I use Instagram a lot as a kind of a marketing funnel. And my goal is to get people to like my Instagram content enough that they’re gonna go to my website or they’re gonna sign up for my email list so that I can stay in touch with them via email, because I preach a lot on this show. That we do not own social media. So we need to, it’s great to be on social media, but we need to convert those people. So we need to get those people over to our market, which is our website or our our email list. So that’s basically lead generation is, as an example, using Instagram to find people who will love your products or love your services, or love your content enough that they follow you and join your email list and visit your website. Is that am I?
Karthik V 12:15
Okay? That’s exactly what we do. Yeah. The whole idea here is is for people to understand that it’s exactly like a marketplace. Just that the way a marketplace. Physical market works is a lot different. It’s driven by geography, as opposed to content in this case. And on the internet. Everything is driven by content and more specifically, I would say interest.
Mindy Marzec 12:42
So it’s really important to stand out and we’re gonna stand out with a great landing page. So let’s kind of get into the heart of what makes a landing page good. So is it okay if I maybe give you an example and you can tell me like, three three things or so that would that should be on that page. So let’s say I use Instagram, and I want to create a landing page that entices people to join my email list. So what should I do to make that a high converting landing page?
Karthik V 13:20
It’s a great question. In fact, you know, often times, we end up thinking so much about the design of landing page colors and fonts and everything other than the copy. And even when when we talk about copy, just imagine right when your social media, your Instagram page is awake 24 by 7 by 365 Even when you go to sleep, which means it needs to talk to people, just like you would do if you were awake. If somebody came to you and asked you a human D What do you do? You in turn, say what you do, but then the next question is going to be Hey, what do you do? You are curious. You’re trying to understand that the person because you want to make sense. We all are trying to be understood, right? That’s what we do as humans. So from that perspective, when you look at a landing page, especially in the context of Instagram that you talked about, I would say the three things that you should focus on. And let’s let’s go one by one that the first thing is, you have to have a goal. Your landing page has to have a goal. And what’s a goal? Simply what a goal is, why do you have the page on the first place? You can dig deeper into it and understand why you really want it. So let’s say let’s go with this as an example. I want to eat right Why do you only eat okay I want leads to maybe some my consulting services or if you’re on Etsy I want leads so that I can sell them what I have on Etsy so I can show them my my store. Great Why do you want to show them your store? As you keep asking this question and the goal becomes more clear to you. It could be that in the end, you will say, okay, look, my goal is simply to to get people that are most likely interested in this clay earrings. I don’t know. I’m just getting up. Yeah. So I’m just interested in getting people who are interested in my kind of jewelry, and if they’re interested, I want to be able to show them more of what I have. Great. That’s a great goal to have so that also gives you a way to measure your page. The second most important thing is to understand who you want to really create that page for well, most often what happens is, and I’ve done this, I’m sure if you’ve done this and all of us have done this mistake of going in telling the entire world about what we have. That happens most often because we don’t know who we want to attract. And one of the most common advices that I’ve been given you have to have your target customer avatar defined. You know, 20 odd years I realized this whole idea of an avatar is completely meaningless. Just imagine you our end of the day. You don’t want to talk to some Gravatar right? You want to talk to real people. Real people. It serves us, right if we can take a few moments of our busy time, busy schedule, to actually find a real person that is interested in our business. So I kind of often get into this thing of saying you should focus on the who is going to be targeted by what I mean by target buyer is a real human or real person. It could be your aunt, it could be a friend. It could be your neighbor, it could be your colleague, I don’t know who but then it could be someone out there that you’ve had a conversation with at least once and who’s been who knows what you do. Who knows what, who’s interested in what you do and what you sell, and what you offer him an ideal thing would be this person has bought from you. That’s the person that you want really target. So that’s the second important element of your landing page to look for a target buyer. And it’s okay. You might be doing lead gen but then if you look at the if you step back and look at your funnel is all about getting it down to selling. So you might rather focus on the exact target buyer, then focusing on a broad set of avatars that could probably be interested in something that you have to offer, like maybe 90% of them. have just come there. See what you have to do. All
Mindy Marzec 17:51
right. And I just want to clarify if I’m understanding right, because I do it I do talk about having an avatar in mind but when I say that, it’s only to narrow it down from the rest of the universe. Like you have to know like for example, I talk to people on this podcast. I know that my audience are people who are doing an online business, they are generally using social media as their main platform and they want to quit their nine to five job and have kind of a more flexible schedule and make money on their own time. That so that’s that’s it’s still pretty broad. So I think what you’re saying is, you should find someone who has actually signed up for my email list before or someone who has hired me for coaching and really focus on that one person when I’m creating a landing page. Is that right?
Karthik V 18:49
Right. Let’s just look at this as an example. Right. Let me let me say let’s assume for a moment that I’m my target buyer is you okay, I would rather look at you your website, and I would rather have this conversation like what we’re having right now with you to understand more about you. You know, Mindy really is a real human. He has a wife. He has a podcast, when she talks about social media, she even has all these other interests with Disney air, you can keep going on and on and on, right? What are the chances that you’re going to find 10 Other people like Mindy, as opposed to this mythical avatar, which is somewhere aged between 25 and 35. Somewhere based in the US, maybe the East Coast, maybe in the West Coast, God knows. And who who’s probably interested in starting a podcast or has a podcast that’s so high level. But if I spoke to Mindy, if I talked about Mindy’s interests, I am 100% Sure I can find more people that are interested in the content that I put up on the page than an avatar.
Mindy Marzec 19:57
Sure, I understand and Karthik, you get major bonus points for me for thinking I’m somewhere between the range of age 25 to 35. So thank you, we’ll just leave it at that. But okay, so we I totally understand what you’re saying about target buyer versus creating just more of a generic avatar but let’s get back so we talked about for a high converting landing page we have to have a goal.
Karthik V 20:25
Yeah, goal. And the who, which is the Avatar it was we just not the avatar which is the actual person and the third real buyer, the buyer. And the third is a promise. What is that you want to promise this this person? What is that you want to mention that you want to give them? And a promise is something not? Not the way we need to make promises that are made to be broken or something like that. This is a promise that you want to keep up because it’s all about trust. Remember, your landing page if it’s a legion page, it’s a sales page. There’s a famous I think it’s David Ogilvy or somebody or Eugene Schwartz, who said once that sales pages is salesmanship in print, same case with the landing page, same case with the website, we’re about page is probably going to matter more online than what you really are. So you better have the best version of you brought out on your about page. same case with that. So what is the promise in this case? You want to make a promise that you can deliver. So let’s say you have a legion page, you have an ebook you want to make sure you can actually deliver that ebook. And more importantly, the ebook is not the promise. So there is this whole thing of benefits, features which can manifest which is most commonly talked about. The third element to it is a payoff which is if you have a feature, the benefit is let’s say let’s take a pen, write benefit of this pen. It could be it helps you write faster. The payoff can be something like this is the pen that can help you sign your CV you know, sign your letters in a way that it looks like a professional. Again, for this you need to know who you are targeting. Because when you know who you’re targeting, your promise can be more aligned to that one person. Right. So there is basically a triangle goal is you is about you what is your goal with that page. The buyer is the other person that you want to attract. And promise is that thin string that attaches that connects the goal and the hole to a win win win situation.
Mindy Marzec 22:45
Gotcha. So in the in the case of having a lead generation landing page where I want people to join my email list. As of right now I send out monthly caption prompts that people can use to kind of when they have writer’s block and they need to have a social media caption I have some prompts for you and I send them out every month. The promise is that I will send these prompts out to you and the benefit is that they will help you when you have writer’s block on social media. Am I in the ballpark there?
Karthik V 23:18
You had the points right? You just need to flip them around which is basically oh okay, you get them to do the captions, which is the benefit. The payoff is that you no longer will have a writer’s block. That’s what people ultimately buy things for. We buy you know we buy cars or clothes because we want to look good,
Mindy Marzec 23:38
right? It makes us feel good or it helps us in some way. Yeah, it makes our lives easier. Yeah.
Karthik V 23:44
Whatever it is. Just want to look good, feel good. Whatever it is. Yeah. It’s more emotion. The promise is all about emotion.
Mindy Marzec 23:52
Emotion is so important. Yes. Okay. So we talked about these three things. And then earlier, you mentioned copy, which is and again for people who might be brand new copy is just basically the words on your landing page. Right? That’s right. Can you tell us a little bit about copy? Do you have any advice for how someone like let’s say I don’t really have any experience in copywriting? So that’s probably why my landing pages could use some help my sales pages and my lead gen pages could use some help. So what advice could you give those of us who don’t feel like we’re very good at writing sales? Copy or marketing copy?
Karthik V 24:36
No, absolutely. I think we Yeah. Copies nothing but words on your page. But I think it’s it’s unnecessarily complicated is being complicated or made to look like this complicated place to be. But it’s actually very simple. I think every copy no matter what copy that you’re talking about lead lead generation or a homepage or a sales page no matter what it is, is basically made up of three parts. Just report. So you have the opening. You have the deliverables, the goods, the body, and you have a close
Mindy Marzec 25:11
yeah, let’s start with opening. So what what is an example of a good opening and again, let’s use the example of I want someone to join my email list.
Karthik V 25:20
So for the show, again, go back to what we talked about early on, which is about the goal the who in the promise. So assuming you’ve got those three sorted, the opening is all about being able to connect with the who, and giving them the promise. Right? I mean, it comes only when you understand who for example, if I wanted to put together a page for like, let’s say Mindy wanted to put together a page for giving out these weekly prompts, writers problems, to remove writer’s block. Let’s say you had to you had a customer who has signed up for one of your courses and they just rave about your work. That the who so I would write, I was just I would just look for the words that this person has been using to talk about their problems. If you have a group, if you have a Facebook group, if you have ideas if you have spoken to them. You will actually even if you have a 30 minute conversation, you will be able to uncover some very powerful words that people use and what are the words you want to look for? Well, typically you want to look for words that describe the struggle. Not necessarily people will use the word struggle where people would definitely talk about their challenges in in ways depending on your industry and topic. Look for those words. And the beauty with using those words in your opening is that it connects really fast, especially if the words have emotions in it. Like I was frustrated, you know, it was like literally, I was feeling ashamed of myself. Because I could not write my media newsletter because I just was unable to get new fresh new thoughts in my head.
Mindy Marzec 27:06
Yeah, that’s that’s super relatable.
Karthik V 27:09
So now you know that there are a few things that happen in in what I said. Someone who’s who told you something like that. Has a newsletter. Number one, it’s a big validation. Number two, they’re frustrated. They have weekly commitments to do it. Number three, they seem to be helpless. Right. So yeah, and you have a promise. So which is you have a solution. Now your opening is all about making it extremely simple words without overcomplicating don’t look at the dictionary use the most simplest words. In fact use the same words. Are you frustrated writing a weekly newsletter? Because you’re not able to find new ideas? Well, Evergreen newsletters is something that comes later, but first you have to have content. And then you talk about your promise. I promise. I’m not going to let let you down, sign up for my weekly, whatever in I promise to have you back every single week. Trust me. What you did in this process is basically your opening is nothing but your you know your Legion page. It’s all about the promise. It’s all about the you know people call the hook and other things I think hook is a very nice term but provided you use in the right context. It should not be like I’m trying to hook a fish if to fry it. You know, it’s not that Yeah.
Mindy Marzec
Yeah, there’s some negative connotation to it. But I in the marketing world that there is that term is the hook. You want to hook someone in to your website or hook them in because there you’re going to give them that you’re going to deliver on that promise later, but you’re basically for the opening. You’re just basically talking about doing maybe a one or two sentence headline where you’re already identifying their pain points, right? And then promising them a solution for them. That’s right.
Karthik V
So you could do it with a headline and the subhead whatever it is, right, so you could use a combination of that. Now, once you do that, what you want to do is deliver the goods now shared before delivering the code, you need to tell them what the goods are, right? Because you made a promise. That sounds very promising. But then what what is that you really had? Let’s go with the same example. So people get a sense of what it means what this would look like. So let’s say it’s meant to end Mindy’s been putting out this landing page and they’re in this page. You can tell them that my goods is basically 375 and counting, you know, weekly, whatever, you know, unblocking triggers problems, right? You have you can put a number to it. And you can put and make it more meaningful because you probably have experienced this similar situation in the past, which got you to doing these things. Tell that story. That’s perfectly fine, because what you’re trying to do, essentially, Mindy is on any landing page, you have the three parts you have the opening the body or the goods and the clothes. You’re trying to tie all these three things together. You want people who are interested in what you’ve mentioned right on the top, to go all the way to the bottom and take you up on what you have to offer. So from that perspective, a great way to grieve fabric that you can use as storytelling. And in this context, you can like say, Well, I’ve been exactly where you are every single weekend and I’ve been there exactly in that spot in that horrible spot. You can describe the horrible spots you’ve been in, and you can describe the worst case things that happened to you because of that, right? You lost subscribers from your email list, etc, etc. Whatever it is, and then say in the process, someone told me to write on these prompts. Someone in fact gave me 10 prompts. And those 10 prompts were life changing because the next two months, two and a half months, I was able to create content without having to spend even a minute thinking of what I’m going to do. Yes, what I did, from that point on I made a commitment to increase this 10 prompts into a million of them. And right now I have 365 of them. And I’m ready to share it. Share that with you
Mindy Marzec
guys. I’m sold Where do I sign? No, I love that. I love that. So then so so that’s in the body and then how do you like what’s a good closer?
Karthik V
Building is all about getting people to take action. That’s all it is. You know, what happens oftentimes is we tell a great story and then like people are like, wow, this is awesome. And then we forget to put the button there. Now, worst thing you can do someone right you can like completely get them interested and like leave them high and dry. So you’re close it’s nothing but a phone call to action. Okay not a powerful you don’t want to push people don’t push scarcity so you know in the next 1010 seconds is go and go off. No, no, no, this is not a time long. As not the idea. You’ve got their attention you even got them to. You’ve got them sold on what you have. So you don’t have to try hard. Just put your email address in here in this email in this box below and hit the button and I’ll see you inside the inbox. That’s it. Perfect. Yeah, that’s that’s simple three but landing page or a lead gen page in this case for me the
Mindy Marzec
first of all, thank you. I’m glad I’m taking notes. But yeah, so I you know, just kind of To recap a little bit. The original part of the things we need on our landing pages, we need to have our goal in mind we need to know who our audience is and that target buyer, and then the promise that we’re going to make them and then we take that knowledge and our physical landing page or let’s let’s say our lead generation page would start with a strong opening. And then we’re going to tell a story in the middle about how our own struggles and how we can relate and how we are going to solve that pain point for our target buyer. And then the closing is that strong call to action we make it very simple for them. Put your email here, click Submit and I will send you the item I’m promising you that do I got it in a very simplistic tone? Yeah,
Karthik V
you got it. Just want to, you know call that one small subtlety bear call it out because I think people need to understand that very, it’s that’s where people go wrong. It’s not about getting a story alone. Story is just the fabric that you use. But then the most important part is to tell people what your solution is, and more importantly, to tell them how hard you had to fight. What are the struggles you had to go through to get that in? Because the whole idea is like, there is this, you know, with the explosion of the internet interwebs people kind of think that it’s easy to steal something from someone and put it as a lead magnet. And people do it too. Which is sad. But I think what you’re trying to do here is to tell them that what you have is something that you have to work your tail off to put together. Right and story is just going to add the human element to it. That creates, you know, people people love to connect and relate to another person.
Mindy Marzec
Yeah, I was gonna say it’s like it’s a connection. It’s like a friendship. Like, you feel like you know, that person and this person really understands me and I trust them. That’s right. Yeah. Perfect. Okay, thank you for that clarification. Before we wrap up. You mentioned something when we were chatting earlier about the rule of one, what is the rule of one?
Karthik V
Well, I think we talked about it a little bit here and there. But I think the general rule of one is, and you can actually Google for this and people have written about the rule of one for sales pages, I think, over a period of time, I’ve just paid my nine set of ones that you need to really focus on essentially on any landing page. More important if it’s a sales page, but your Legion page. In fact, even if it’s a home page, the whole idea of through of one is to focus on one thing and one of those things. So for example, I have nine elements, I can talk about them one by one, which is like focus on one person, focus on one problem, unless or until it’s a product or products page where you list all your products, which is which is most likely, which is something I really don’t call. Much of I don’t think we should talk about it in this context. When I think anything other than that. The page has to speak to one person. It has to talk about one primary problem. Make one promise, give one solution, make one offer and then one clear, consistent call to action, and should have one consistent flow from top to bottom. That’s the rule of one.
Mindy Marzec
That sounds great. And I think the goal here with the rule of one is we don’t want to confuse our audience or distract them right. We want to keep them focused.
Karthik V
Right? And also you want to add something to this the past time cordless, being told by so many other people which is when you see someone articulate a problem that you are facing better than you can explain. You think that the person has the solution to people think that when you have a real bet you’re better clarity about a problem that I’m going through than I probably think that you have a solution to because you understand that way better than me. So the same thing happens here when you have you know sticking to one the rule of one is pretty common, but I think many of us don’t follow including myself so many times because we attempted to put our other stuff in. Yes, yeah, right. So like for example, if it’s a legion page, I would urge you to open your Legion page on your home any Legion page on your website. See if you have a social share icon there. Most likely you have it most often people leave it turned on on Legion pages, which is such a bad bad idea because even that is a call to action.
Mindy Marzec
Right like you’re distracting your audience like you want them to focus on. Okay, you’re one call to action is to put your email in the signup box and get your amazing product or offer then I’m gonna send you but if you have these other buttons on there, they could get distracted and do something else. Yes. You don’t want shares on that page. Yeah, super important to keep in mind. I love it.
Karthik V
I think I would I would generally run run any page that I have through the rule of one. And I would catch myself making a sin committing a sin every single time because we are creators and we tend to do it. So
Mindy Marzec
yeah I feel that I often have a lot of different ideas and I tried to cram them into one space, but it just it’s not net. You know, sometimes it’s necessary to do that or sometimes it’s okay to do that. But those pages probably won’t convert as well as a page that has that that follows that rule of one where it just has one focus, right? That’s right. All right, very cool, important message that I definitely need to hear and I’m sure this was super helpful for people. We have gone over our time a little bit so I want to thank you Karthik for hanging out for as long as you did and sharing all these. Amazing, that’s amazing advice. I definitely like I said, I’m taking a lot of notes. I’m going to be applying this to my pages and I’m sure that everyone listening will as well. So before we wrap up, can you let people know where they can find you online?
Karthik V
Oh, sure. I still I would like to use the rule of one myself here. So just go to design your thinking.com. That’s my website. And that’s the only link just go there. You’ll find a ton of stuff there. I don’t want to find the rule of one as well. So go it’s called the nine, the 9.1 rule. So go to checkout, have some interesting stuff there. But then if you want me to put something really interesting together with all of what we talked about today, you can head over to design thinking.com forward slash joy of content are just joy perhaps. And get all of this with the click of a button.
Mindy Marzec
Oh, that would be great. So do you want to Yeah, I would love that. Do you want to give out that your elegant?
Karthik V
Yes. Design your thinking.com/joy.
Mindy Marzec
Okay, let’s do that forward slash joy. I’ll also put it in the show notes. That’s amazing. Karthik, thank you so much for that. And again, rule of one very simple go to design your thinking.com to learn more about Karthik and follow them everywhere there that you’ll get everything you need. They’re on that one page, right?
Karthik V
Everything what I do is right there, so go check them out. A lot of them are for free. So no worries.
Mindy Marzec
We love freebies. We love freebies. All right. All right. Well, thank you again. So much Karthik for staying up late for this recording. And I really appreciate you Thank you.
Karthik V
Thank you, Mindy. Thanks for having me.
Mindy Marzec
Alrighty, thanks again to Karthik for joining me on the joy of content podcast today. Some really important marketing tips there that I hope you can apply to your various landing pages. Especially those pages where you want the reader to take a specific action, such as signing up for an email list or making a purchase and a great reminder about the rule of one and how we apply it to those important pages. I know I personally learned a lot from Karthik and I can’t wait to start implementing some of these ideas and suggestions. And if you want to take a look at some of cartherics resources, you can visit these special page he set up just for us. It’s at design your thinking.com/joy or you can go to my website joy of content.com and look for episode 45 for all of the links associated with this episode. So that’s it for now. Thank you for joining me be sure to follow joy of content on Instagram and Tiktok for additional social media marketing tips and advice. I’ve been having a lot of fun over on Tik Tok. I’m not totally sure what I’m doing over there still, but it’s been fun playing around with it and I’m grateful to those of you who followed me over there and so if you’re on Tik Tok, be sure to look us up at joy of content and give a follow. So until next time, remember to always use your influence for good, and I’ll see you on the next episode. Take care. Thank you