Graphic of blue ribbon with star in the center with hot pink border

Habits. Does the word make you cringe a little? Perhaps it’s because you’ve set countless and countless intentions to create a habit and have failed, which is extremely common. Which is why I love the Tiny Habits framework. Business & certified Tiny Habits coach Julie DeLucca-Collins is our guest for this episode of The Joy of Content, sharing all about Tiny Habits and how they can help you reach your business and personal goals, and live a more confident life.


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Special Guest:

Julie DeLucca Collins headshot

Julie DeLucca-Collins, Go Confidently Services

Julie DeLucca-Collins is the Founder and CEO of Go Confidently Services and the host of the popular Casa DeConfidence Podcast®. As a Business and Life Strategist Coach, Julie helps women business owners launch or grow their businesses, get clients, be productive, and achieve their dreams. Julie helps her clients create simple habits to achieve goals and change lives. Julie is also the best-selling author of the newly released book Confident You (simple habits to live the life you’ve imagined).

Julie is a sought-after public speaker trainer and course creator. She is certified as a CBT Holistic Coach and Tiny Habits. This past summer, she was honored to complete her certification as a Tiny Habits Coach under Dr. BJ Fogg the founder of the Behavioral Lab at Stanford University and the author of the book Tiny Habits.

Key Topics:

  • What are Tiny Habits?
  • How small habits can make a big difference.
  • Rewarding ourselves for small actions.
  • How Tiny Habits can help our productivity.

Mentioned in this Episode:

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Graphic of blue ribbon with star in the center with text overlay "reaching your goals with tiny habits"


Mindy Marzec 0:00
Hey friend and welcome to this episode of the joy of content podcast. I am your host Mindy Marzec and this is episode 46. Today we are talking about reaching your goals using tiny habits. And I’m excited to share this great interview with Julie DeLucca Collins. She is a coach for midlife, female business owners with her business go confidently coaching and through her coaching. Julie teaches her clients how to create the right strategy habits and daily actions to be profitable and make a positive impact in the world. I absolutely love that. And part of her coaching includes what’s known as the tiny habits framework. And this is a concept created by Dr. BJ Fogg. And Julie has become a tiny habits certified coach. So she is certainly qualified to speak on this framework and I am so happy she agreed to come on my podcast to talk about it. So of course everyone is familiar with setting habits for ourselves and how helpful positive habits can be in our lives. But if you’re anything like me, creating a habit can be tough. And I will be honest, I fail a lot with some of the habits I try to create for myself. And so that’s why I really like the concept of tiny habits, which is basically small actions, anchored to another regular action that you have to take and then followed by a small reward. But that’s just the crux of it. I will let Julie explain it all. She’s the expert, and she’s going to share how the tiny habits framework can support your goals in both your business and your personal life. I also say I really think my fellow listeners with anxiety or and or ADHD are really going to like this one. So without further ado, I hope you enjoyed this interview with Julie DeLucca Collins from Go confidently coaching. Hey Julie, welcome to the show.

Julie DeLucca-Collins 2:33
Hi, Mindy, thank you so much for having me.

Mindy Marzec 2:35
I’m so happy that you’re here and I’m very interested in hearing about the tiny habits framework. I am always looking for ways to organize my life and it feels like this might be a good solution or a good addition to that there is no there’s no solution is there it’s all

Julie DeLucca-Collins 2:54
there’s no perfect solution. Oh we can do is try different things that work for us. But thank you again for having me and I have to tell you, the reason tiny habits is important in my life is because I’m like you I needed to have something that can supportme.

Mindy Marzec 3:09
Yes, yes. And it’s so much easier to find tools and systems that work for us instead of fighting our natural or natural way of being.

Julie DeLucca-Collins 3:20
Absolutely and I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Enneagram but I am an Enneagram seven. I am also on the disk I am a D in an eye in the eye is that influenced or happy party friendly person that gets very sidetracked so tiny habits as allowed me to really create the type of framework that helps me do the things that I want to do and be successful at

Mindy Marzec 3:45
it. Yeah, I don’t know my disk. I’ve done the test and I just can’t remember what I am. But I am an Enneagram one, okay, and I’m very like disciplined. Well, no, I shouldn’t say that. I want to be disciplined. And I have a lot of things that fight against that. But I would that’s actually I would love to do an episode all about Enneagram and these personality tests I’m gonna have

Julie DeLucca-Collins 4:13
to actually have someone coming to my podcast to talk about the Enneagram because I can talk disk all day. I know that this very well. And I use it with my clients, but I am not as familiar with the any other than knowing what I am.

Mindy Marzec 4:26
Right. I’m very familiar with it. Yeah, me too. Okay. We’ll have to touch base offline about that. But yeah, all right. So today, we’re talking about tiny habits. And first of all, Julie, please tell us who are you. Tell us about your business. Tell us all about you and tell us how you got into this world of the tiny habits framework.

Julie DeLucca-Collins 4:48
Sure. So thank you again, my name is Julie DeLucca Collins. And I am the founder and CEO of Go confidently services. I am an author, a coach, a speaker and I work with a women in midlife who are either launching or growing their business and I help them create the right activity every day and know the right tools to use in habits to take daily to be able to not only have an impact in the world, but also be profitable doing it because I think that for many of us entrepreneurs, we tend to either compare and despair or we go from one thing to another being distracted. And sometimes in order to stop being an uncertain entrepreneur, we have to really be able to understand what are the right actions and how consistency is going to impact those right actions. And from there you can become the consistency of your life. And that’s one of the things that I’m on a mission to do is to make women entrepreneurs who are willing to put in the investment in themselves, the CEO of their business.

Mindy Marzec 5:58
What a cool journey like what a political like a niche to land in. I love that and I definitely fit into that category as a midlife entrepreneur. And I just want to take a moment you know we have the this shows primarily for content creators bloggers IT people who consider themselves influencers influencer marketing. Y’all are entrepreneurs just FYI in case you didn’t know that

Julie DeLucca-Collins 6:23
100% And I think that this is a lot of what’s happening right now. There’s such a vast variety in the online digital world right in you know like you I have been online for as long as I can remember and I have evolved from I think, did you have it on your website that you did live wire? I didn’t I

Mindy Marzec 6:45
I didn’t do live wire I started out with geo cities, G Okay. And then move to Live Journal, Live Journal.

Julie DeLucca-Collins 6:53
I had an online one. I don’t know if it was live wire or Live Journal. I have to go back and find that. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve crossed paths in the internet. And I’ve been doing this forever and I think that a lot of people don’t realize that. Number one you whether you’re in a career or you have a business, you have a personal brand is very, very important to be able to define that and communicate it to others so that you can make an impact and as an influencer or a blogger or a business owner. Someone is going to choose to collaborate with you or to follow you or to take your advice because they resonate with your values and with your brand. And that’s that’s one of the first things that I would say to everyone. And again, this relates to tiny habits because that becomes part of who you are as

Mindy Marzec 7:41
well. Sure. Okay, so perfect. Let’s talk about tiny habits, which is going to be the subject of this episode. Tell me about the tiny habits framework and how you discovered it and how it resonated with you. Yeah,

Julie DeLucca-Collins 7:55
so for me, reader and I was in corporate in the corporate world for many years. My last role in corporate America was Chief Innovation Officer for an educational company out of New York City. And so it was a pandemic. I was laid off and that’s when I launched my business. However, the first thing that I found in launching my business is that I wasn’t as successful overnight like I thought it would be like, Oh, what’s going on what what is happening? And I realized that one of the first things that I noticed is that I was not running my business like a business number one, number two, I needed to implement some of the things that I knew from corporate America into my business. Number three, I am fascinated by habits and I’ve done very well with productivity when it comes to my business. When it comes to work, right quote, unquote, career. I always have been good about my schedule and being productive and knowing what task and I am in charge to my calendar. And I also learn to not overdo it. I was the crazy person with the BlackBerry and another phone in one hand being rolled out of out of an airport to the ER because I was having I was having a heart episode. And from then I learned that I needed to really be in charge and create that balance and there’s no such thing as balance. I’m not gonna say that that blend between life and work and put some priorities in place. And as I started to just go back to some of the things that I’ve learned to in corporate America to implement in my business, I reread the book, atomic habits by James clear, and I love it. He does a great job in the book, but I knew that this wasn’t a perfect framework, and I just kept wondering why I wasn’t as successful with these habits. And the more than I did research, I stumbled across another book and I bought it I’d sat on my audible for a good six months and then it was in clubhouse which is that audio app, and it happened to me the author of the book, and his name is Dr. BJ Fogg. And dumped off is leading researcher when it comes to behavior. He is the founder of the behavior Lab at Stanford University. And he also wrote the book tiny habits and created the tiny habits framework. When I started to listen to him. All of the sudden I thought like, Yes, this is exactly it. This is the piece that was missing from me and this is exactly why sometimes we are and have that inability to do the things that we wanted to because motivation sometimes doesn’t carry us. And for many of us, we then beat ourselves up because we’re not motivated. When our brain is wired to be negative times when the motivation wanes, then we’re not going to want to do the things that are hard. So that’s the first thing that really resonated and the more that I read the book and I got to hear Dr. Fog speak, I thought I really need this in my life. And like most of the things that I do in my coaching business, I do it because I am my best client and I decided to go and get my certification and tiny habits. And that is why I pursued the certification and now that I’ve not only study tiny habits, and I’m a tiny habits, fortify coach, I am able to implement this with my clients. And what I’m seeing is that not only is it making a difference in their personal life, but it’s making a difference in their business, which you know, when we see differences in our life and in our business, then we become more confident in what we do. And the more that we do the things that we need to do. Then the more skills we gain and the more skills we gain again, the more confident and more motivated we can become. So it’s a whole circle that kind of feeds on itself.

Mindy Marzec 11:49
Oh goodness, you’re really selling me on this book. Julie. I have to say I already like wrote down I wrote down everything. I’m going to check it out. I’m gonna check out your website. I’m gonna get this book. I have a lot of things I want to touch on. The first thing I want to ask is your hearts. Okay, are you okay?

Julie DeLucca-Collins 12:06
Oh, yeah. So I had us I had what it’s um, it’s called Super ventricular tachycardia in an essence what it is, it’s that it is an extra heartbeat. There was an extra passageway in my heart. And for you know, we talked about surgery. So that was one of the surgeries that I put off for a while they needed to, and it’s really not major surgery. It’s not open heart surgery. They just kind of zap that extra passageway and what would happen is that from time to time, different, my heart that my heart would skip a beat and then my blood would go through that extra passageway, which is the shortcut, which would cause my heart to be three times as fast and it would sometimes become difficult for it to stop. Yeah. And then when it went on for many for many minutes, maybe an hour, hour and a half, then and I couldn’t really regulate it. I would have to go to the emergency rooms so that they can reset it. And they do that by injecting a medication that would kind of like for a fraction of a second, stops your heart and starts again. And it’s scary because they need to just monitor you after they do that.

Mindy Marzec 13:10
Yeah. Can I just tell you that my brother had the same procedure? Oh, okay. I’ve never met anyone do it. had it done. And I have a I have a bit of tacky cardio, but I don’t it’s it isn’t anything that severe. Yeah, my brother had the same procedure actually as a teenager and it was it was scary. It’s a scary

Julie DeLucca-Collins 13:33
Yeah, it is scary, scary situation.

Mindy Marzec 13:35
But okay, I’m glad you’re

Julie DeLucca-Collins 13:37
That was many, many years ago. So that but thank you

Mindy Marzec 13:41
just casually mentioned that you were taken off of airplane. Due to a heart episode. I’m like, wait a minute. Are you? How are you? Okay, great. Okay, perfect. Let’s go forward and talk about can you just basically give us an overview of these tiny habits and you mentioned a framework, you know, what, what, where do we start with this?

Julie DeLucca-Collins 14:02
Okay, so I’m gonna start with the the best part to start thinking about the framework is that change happens when we feel good. And that’s the best way to change. When we are beating ourselves up over something we didn’t do, or we feel that we’re lacking and then our brain is not going to rewire itself to automate some of the behavior we want to automate. So that is one of the reasons why many habits it’s important. So that’s why it has two sayings maximum one and two and the number one is that you creating habits help you do what you already want to do. And number two, is creating habits also helps you feel successful. And these things are really like the very basis now the third thing that he has found and that is a very important ingredient of tiny habits is that you have to celebrate when you do something right because celebrate has something that creates in your brain this feeling and he calls it he he’s calls it shine. So think about like, when you get that email that gives you the good news you’ve been expecting maybe you landed that client or you all of a sudden are gonna have that partnership and you read it and you’re like, Oh, me, right. That’s that feeling that shine. And unfortunately throughout the day, we don’t have all these wonderful things happening to us. So we have to create that feeling. So part of the tiny habits method is you find an anchor throughout the day, a behavior that you’re already doing. And then you attach the tidy behavior that you want to get started with, to implement in your life. And when you attach it to that and you actually do the behavior, then you celebrate it. So I’ll give you an example.

Mindy Marzec 15:56
Yes say I need an example.

Julie DeLucca-Collins 15:58
Okay, so for me, drinking water is very important part of what I want to accomplish. I want to be healthy, I want to be hydrated. And prior to pandemic I was pretty good and I had built my habit of drinking water and then of course, you know all things change pandemic hit, and I wasn’t drinking as much water as I typically do. So what I needed to do is I needed to find the anchor moment for me to attach my water drinking habit to. So the anchor moment for me and anchor moments are things that you do all the time. And Dr. Fogg for instance, he has a habit that he tells everyone that they should start with. And this is typically something that not everybody does or we we avoid. And that is flossing your teeth right? Not everybody flossing every 100% of the time and he knew that he wanted to build the flossing habit. So what he did is, every time he goes to the bathroom, he washes his hand, his hands and then he floss is one tooth, right? So he’s not aiming to floss his entire mouth. He’s only aiming to floss the one tooth and after he does it, he shines or he celebrates and he say Go me Look at me. I did it. I floss one tooth right. That’s a recipe that that is a recipe you have the anchor moment of washing your hands after the bathroom. Number two, you do the action and number three, you celebrate now for me with the water drinking that I do every morning is I have to let my dogs out. So in the morning when I bring the dogs downstairs, I opened the door when I opened the door and I left them out. That is my anchor moment. And at that anchor moment I fill up my water bottle that’s 120 ounces of water. And then I celebrate Oh Go me I filled up my water bottle. And that’s that’s really the beginning and I celebrate that and obviously most people are like, Oh my gosh, but you’re never going to be able to floss your teeth or you’re never going to be able to move and do more. The reality is that yes, you can and you can grow the habit. But the what you want to do is to automate the behavior. That gets you started that starter step, because motivation is unreliable. And when you’re relying on motivation, you’re writing that motivation wave and that’s the thing that keeps us a time from not showing it. So again, you want to make sure that you know that you have a prompt that can be internal or external that allows you to set that in her moment. Okay.

Mindy Marzec 18:43
i It’s I’m picturing myself, like putting a little gold star on my shirt like a gold star sticker every time I do something, right?

Julie DeLucca-Collins 18:53
Yeah, you can do that. I mean, there’s a lot of different ways to celebrate and it doesn’t have to be there’s a lot of people that do like little dance or just smile or say Go me or something that is immediate, right? The one thing that I will coach you on is we do a tiny habits of free tiny habits challenge weekly in the tiny habits Academy and it’s free to anyone who wants to join in I’ll definitely share the link with you so that anybody who in your audience wants to do tiny habits for five days they can but the one thing that we typically will say is your celebration has to be immediate because if you let time go by between you doing the action and celebrating, then your brain forgets and then you’re not you’re not cementing that behavior in that moment that your brain is then creating this passageway. So if I liked the sticker if you’re sitting at your desk and you got to celebrate by giving yourself a sticker after let’s say finishing your email and completing you know maybe checking something or sending something or whatever then yes do it right then in there with stickers are if not pick something that is going to be immediate and in the moment,

Mindy Marzec 20:08
right I just love the idea of like patting, you know, virtually patting yourself on the back and and you’re right there and just giving yourself a little pep talk. But I’m also thinking back to grade school when I would get like a gold sticker because I did something very, very simple and easy like I put my shoes back on after physical education class. It’s just like, Yes, I liked that feeling. I want that feeling again, kind of reminds me of that.

Julie DeLucca-Collins 20:34
That’s exactly what it is. I mean we all love to feel good. Yeah. And our brain is not programmed to do that or is is programmed to pick out the negative is pointed is trying to protect us, which is fine. But the most important and again, the anatomy of the tiny habits is you have an anchor moment you have your tiny behavior in the instant celebration of the habit that you’re trying to create.

Mindy Marzec 20:57
Yeah, and I think that this also reminds me a little bit about having a morning routine. And I think the thing that doesn’t, that’s not included in the morning routine is those tiny celebrations of like, Yes, I did drink my full glass of water when I woke up. Yes, I did my 10 minutes of reading. Yes, I did my journaling. Yes, I did my workout. I’m going to celebrate that. I personally have this routine that I do in the morning and sometimes it feels like a slog. Like I don’t want to do it. I’m not motivated to do it. I think it’s because I don’t give myself credit when I get it done.

Julie DeLucca-Collins 21:36
100% for instance and part of my morning routine is is I journal and and after I let my dogs out I come back upstairs with a cup of coffee. And my my other tiny habit is when I come back upstairs I sit at my chair and Google is that I’m going to write one sentence that just as an intentionality of how I want to feel for the day, and my tiny habit is not that I’m going to journal pages I’m not going to journal for half an hour. My goal is that my prompt which again is that anchor moment which is my existing routine, which is drinking my coffee. I sit and I drink my coffee and as they do that i My tiny behavior is I write one sentence and then I celebrate oh my god, my sentence, okay. And at times, you know what happens is I will then maybe journal more than that. I’ll journal for half an hour or maybe 20 minutes, maybe five minutes, maybe pages upon pages Monday. But the reality is that I am never going to fail because I am always aiming just for that tiny habit, which is that one sentence and because I’m always successful, my brain is happy and my brain continues to reward me by allowing me to continue to show up for myself.

Mindy Marzec 22:54
This just makes me think of people who are content creators and they’re let’s say they want to grow on Instagram. And they wake up every day and they’re just like, I can’t believe I haven’t reached 1000 followers on Instagram yet and it’s like well, did you gained one follower yesterday? Because that’s something to celebrate. That means you’re putting your content out there. People are liking it, people are responding and yes, wouldn’t it be awesome if we all just got 1000s of followers overnight, but that’s just not realistic. So you’re setting yourself up to be disappointed. But if you can celebrate that one follower, then we should be doing that. I’m going

Julie DeLucca-Collins 23:37
to take it a step further and I’m going to challenge your listeners because I think that this is the other thing we’re where we really kind of trip ourselves up. Go and celebrate the things that you have control over because you don’t have control over people following you. You have control over the content you’re putting out and if you celebrate that you’re still consistently showing up. Then you are going to get that results. You aren’t going to get the result of getting followers because you’re showing up you’re consistent you’re the algorithm is going to work to your advantage. But if you’re celebrating and you’re expecting to get your your wins from somebody else’s behavior, that disappointment will always be part of what you’re dealing with. The same thing with clients a lot of times you know, we my clients will say oh my God, I need to make $1,000 a week right to make $4,000 a month to make whatever it is that they’re looking to make for the year but they cannot control whether you know they can they can have a client said yes, I’ll pay you you know $1,000 And they’ll but maybe something happens and they can’t control that but what they can control is doing the type of activities daily that actually get them traction, right that are that are income producing activities as opposed to the passive action which is so much easier for most of us to do. It’s so much easier to jump on Canva and create like a pretty graphic than it is to actually go in and posted and or maybe do the interaction and be social in social media.

Mindy Marzec 25:06
Right and the goal should always be the work that you do and the content you create and not necessarily I want to have X amount of followers because you’re right, you can’t control that. But I can say I want to create five pieces of content this week. And I can do that if my schedule allows for it. You know, whatever you’re doing allows for you don’t want to set yourself up to fail. But right, you can set those goals and that is you’re absolutely right. And I’m so glad you said that that is something that you can control. And then when you do see some growth, you celebrate every single bit of it because it’s exciting and it shows that your work is paying off. So thank you for saying that. We talked a little bit about applying this to business but can you give us any other maybe tiny habits, examples that would apply not necessarily to your personal life but to from a business standpoint, is there anything else that you do that you can share?

Julie DeLucca-Collins 26:01
Yeah, absolutely. And if anybody is interested in this is you know, check out the tiny habits as well because we’re doing a lot of different panels. With Tiny habit coaches. One of the panels that we just completed is one for productivity and I’m going to share one of my most productive. My tips for productivity is when I finished I only check emails twice a day. Typically I check them in the morning and I have a slotted time in my calendar for that and one at night. Because what happens is between the notifications and checking email, and going back and forth between different windows and again, Enneagram seven, so I’m prone to feeling a little left out or FOMO that once I’m missing something by not checking the thing right. But what I do is once I check in, I finished checking email, I close my email window, and I celebrate that and I don’t go back until it was a lot of time that it’s on my calendar and that’s very important and that’s one of the most most easiest things that we can do. I also don’t have my notifications for email, or the little red number turned on on my phone. And when I’m working that’s the other thing if I’m going to work maybe in content creation, or if I’m going to be speaking to a client and I need to prep for that. Then I typically also put my phone I use the do not disturb or the work mode, and no notifications show up and I turned my phone around so that it doesn’t even show me the time. And I think that that’s a lot of what prevents us from being as productive and focused. Because when we’re doing when we’re going from one activity than what we’re actually doing is that we’re not multitasking there’s no such thing. Your brain is switch tasking. And research says that it takes 17 minutes for you to refocus on an activity after you interrupt yourself so if you’re working on something and then you’re jumping to the see what the notification said and then you come back to it. The amount of focus that you had prior to stopping is not going to be regained until about 17 minutes in.

Mindy Marzec
That is shocking. I’ve known that it’s hard to get back on track when you’re distracted, but 17 minutes is a lot. But I also can’t believe that because if I have a moment where I need to, I’ll be working on something and I think oh, I need to check an old Instagram post of mine so I can add that information to this article that I’m writing. I’ll open my Instagram and then I am just sucked in. Like I open it and I’m immediately like, oh, I have a message. Oh, I have a comment. What are they saying? And then you’re right like 20 minutes later, I’m like, Why did I open like, that’s true.

Julie DeLucca-Collins
It happens to a lot of us. And I think that and it takes a lot of discipline and again, the discipline, you know, we want to beat ourselves into discipline, but our brain doesn’t work that way. Our brain is going to make that change when we are feeling good. So for instance, if you open Instagram to go in for a post, and this is something that works for me, and Dr. Fogg kind of, you know, just discourages people from doing this but it works for me. I will say okay, I need to go into Instagram to see those hashtags. I will tell Siri hey Siri, set up whatever. Timer right? I don’t want to say too loud because you might might. But I will set the two minute timer so that I’m kind of working against the clock and then I will see the little thing that says I have messages and I have likes and I’m like, Oh, I gotta go. I gotta go. Come on, come on, come on. And I do it and that’s in the for me having that framework in. I have a friend she was on my podcast. She also has a podcast. And she calls it the intentional margins framework. She, she trademark that. But I love that. In order for us to create the type of life that we want, we have to create intentional margins. So for me, I love social media. I love being on social media and I could get lost in social media and it’s okay that we do it. But when I do that, is the margin is that intentional time that I’ve created so that when I have stuff to do for my business, I’m actually working on that I’m not off to you know, sidetracked and then I you know, the end of the day comes and I looked back and I think, Oh, where did they go that I didn’t get anything that I wanted to or I never did that or and then that’s when we start to beat ourselves up and like oh my god, and then we the imposter syndrome rears up because I’ll really go should I be doing this and you go into this whole you know, the cycle that doesn’t serve you.

Mindy Marzec
Yes, Julie, everything you just said is super relatable to me. I am definitely going to be looking more into your tiny habits community and also this intentional margins framework Do you want to give a shout out to your friend?

Julie DeLucca-Collins
So it is Katie Jeffcoat and she’s I guess episode five of my podcast but her epic her podcast and for anyone who is looking to have more joy and happiness in their life. She heard show is every day happiness in her show is two minutes or less every day and she gives you tips and tricks for having that everyday happiness in your life.

Mindy Marzec
I love that concept. I am definitely going to check that out and we love uplifting other podcasters and business owners here. So thank you for sharing that. Julie. We’ve we’ve come to the end of our time together. I feel like I could talk about this.

Julie DeLucca-Collins
We could talk about it all day. come in anytime you want to talk tiny habits, and I can certainly provide you further information not only in the five day challenge which is free everybody’s welcome to join. If you if you want to just people can always email me too and I can just create a group of bloggers or entrepreneurs I love taking individual groups of friends and best business besties together through the process so they can hold each other accountable not only for those five days and it takes less than five minutes to implement daily for five days. So it’s so easy to do.

Mindy Marzec
So cool. Well speaking of that, why don’t you tell everybody how they can get in touch with you. You mentioned this challenge. Go ahead and let people know where they can find that and if you’re on social media or if people can email you like give us a look give us all the ways to reach you.

Julie DeLucca-Collins
I’m gonna give you so my name is Julie DeLucca Collins and that’s DeLucca with two C’s. And you can find me on all the social media channels under Julie’s Lucca Collins. My website is Go confidently My podcast is Casa deconfidence and if you listen to the show, you’ll get to meet my hashtag handsome husband because he’s part of the show as well. And you can you know just send me an email you can reach out to Julian go constantly If you want to participate in any other tiny habits but my website and all of my social has all the informations and ways to reach me and find out more not only about my programming, my support in communities but also the tiny habits

Mindy Marzec
framework. Perfect well again, Julie, thank you this conversation has been very insightful for me. I’m sure it was helpful, helpful for the listeners as well and I really appreciate you taking the time to come visit us here on the joy of content.

Julie DeLucca-Collins
Alright Mindy, take it easy and don’t forget Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Mindy Marzec
Thanks again to Julie for sitting down and talking with me about tiny habits I am adding some gold star stickers to my Amazon cart right now the lever on the house so I can reward myself for all of these small positive actions I am going to start taking to build up my tiny habits. So thank you, Julie. Please be sure to say hi to Julie at her website. Go confidently Check out her podcast Casa de confidence I love that name. And give her a follow on Instagram at Julie underscore De Lucca Collins or visit joy of for all of the show notes and links for this episode. Thanks so much for listening. I really appreciate you hanging out with me today. As always, I love your feedback topic suggestions and I’m more than happy to chat social media and influencer marketing just head on over to either Instagram or Tiktok at joy of content and connect with me there. I’ll see you on the next episode. And remember to always use your influence for good. Thanks. Bye.

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