How many times have you opened your Instagram app and just stared at your phone, because you know you’re supposed to be posting something but you just have no clue what to post?
Do you ever stumble across an Instagram profile that just seems to perfectly put together and you feel like yours is a mess? (It’s not a mess, I promise.)
If you struggle with Instagram you may want to consider creating your very own Instagram aesthetic. Instagram is a visual platform, and creating a style and pattern for your photos is not only beneficial for attracting new followers, but it will make your life easier as well!
The main trick is to not only make sure your individual photos look good on their own, but they look good within your grid as well. And of course, be consistent. Once you establish an aesthetic, don’t stray from it!
Here are 3 ideas for creating your Instagram aesthetic that won’t be too difficult to follow at all – I promise!
3 Ways to Create Your Own Instagram Aesthetic
1) Focus on a color.
One way to keep your grid consistent is to only post photos that reflect a certain color. I’m actually doing this right now on the Tuesdays Together Los Angeles account. I’m trying to focus on photos with blue in them. But from time to time a photo pops up that doesn’t fit with my blue aesthetic, and that’s okay! I think the blue effect still comes across.
DoleWhipDani takes this up a notch by creating a beautiful rainbow spectrum on her grid. This takes some serious dedication but the results are beautiful!
You can also use filters to give your photo a color tint. TheDisneyDorm does a great job of this. She gives all of her photos a purple wash and it’s beautiful! You can do this with an app like A Color Story or VSCO.
2) Focus on the grid.
Another suggestion is to use the three-column grid to your advantage. If you want to go this route, one word of caution … if Instagram ever changes up it’s grid, you’ll have to adjust your strategy! But that shouldn’t be a difficult adjustment and let’s just hope Instagram doesn’t make any changes. 😉
My friend Geniabeme, a beauty blogger, does an amazing job with her grid. She will post two beautiful, bright product and fashion photos, and the third photo will be a selfie showing off a new makeup look.
Another use of the grid that I love is posting a row of similar photos. HeatherTraska posts three photos in a row from one event, so her outfit is the same, the lighting is the same, and the visual aesthetic is the same. This keeps her grid looking consistent!
3) Focus on a niche.
My final suggestion is to pick a niche and run with it. With an account name like DisneyHungry, what would you expect to see …. Disney food, right? DisneyHungry shares beautiful close-up photos of foods you can only find at the Disney parks. Every now and then she will post a photo of herself at Disney, too. This is perfect!
Balloonzilla creates epic balloon arrangements for events and guess what … her feed is FULL of balloons! Just balloons.
If you have a special skill, show it off. TwinkleAndToast does beautiful calligraphy and stationery and that’s all she features on her feed (with the occasional personal post).
Want to make sure your photos are going to flow together? Use a planning app like Planoly or A Color Story to organize your grid and make sure all your photos compliment each other.
Remember, no matter what aesthetic or style you choose, the key to Instagram success is consistency! So once you settle on a style that works for you, stick with it and make sure you’re posting on a regular basis.